Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Alive and well

I just wanted to send this out mydelf to lrt everyone know I a. Doing good. A cit of pain but otherwise ok. Thqnks again for all your prayers.



Anonymous said...

WOW, its great to see you blogging. I love you very much and from the looks of your blog you have quite the morphine going on. I will talk to you soon honey. I love love love you. Heather

Anonymous said...

Wow.....looks like you got some great drugs going on there!! I can't beleive you are even awake enough to be blogging!

Feel better soon,
Kathy in Maine

Anonymous said...

praying for you and your family
shannon groff

Anonymous said...

That's GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! I'm glad to see you back on here so soon. By the looks of that spelling, I can tell the drugs are kick'n . Keep up the good spirit and have a quick and healthy recovery! Get well brotha.

As the almighty "BAD BRAINS" would say
"You got that P.M.A., you got that attitude"
(Positive. Mental Attitude)