Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Doing good, right?

So far so good. Mark has been feeling great. We look forward to our UCLA Liver Evaluation.
I have also been in correspondence with a 41 yr old woman on a website called Cancer Compass. She had what we have. She had the tail of her pancreas (where primary cancer was) removed, followed by a Liver Transplant. When I told Mark I read this woman's messages posted on Cancer Compass his first question was, "is she still alive?". I was so happy to inform him that she was (and was 3 yrs post transplant and still cancer free). I let this lady know that her story is the hope we need and how much we appreciate her sharing her story. This lady had the transplant only 4 weeks after she got on the list. We think the loose average is 6 months...but have also read quite longer. Like all of this there isn't any rock solid info or plan, we just live with this darn uncertainity, which is the worst part. But just last night I told Mark, that the way we conduct ourselves in the midst of our crisis will be shared, talked about and offer hope to friends and family for many many years to come.
We meet with our oncologist next Wednesday (pre- "big" evaluation appointment). And the 17th we go back...we have to be at UCLA at 7:30a each morning during the 3 day interview, which means we need to leave the house by 6a!!! Holy cow those are going to be three very long days.


Anonymous said...

Your right Jenna! The positive attitudes that you two have really inspire everyone around you to be extremely positive as well. When I tell people about Mark and his outlook on life and his positive attitude they are so pleased and inspired to be positive about the situation as well. So, how many times do you think I can use the words inspire and positive in one paragraph.LOL. I love you both so much and I am so proud of you and honored to be your sister. Kiss Jonathan for me ok. All my love always and forever.

Unknown said...

you two are really amazing and that's such great news about that woman who is surviving. what hope. we're always telling people about your story and how strong you guys have been. cancer sucks.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is great news all around. Can't wait to share all this good stuff with others. Keep up the positive thinking. We all look forward to Mark also being cancer free and then he can, in turn, be an inspiration to others who will undoubtly follow. Cancer does suck and it seems to be everywhere.
Love, Mom