Monday, February 25, 2008

Liver Transplant Evaluation Appointment

UCLA called us today to set up the appointments with their Liver Evaluation team. We really don't know what the evaluation will cover as far as what exact tests, meetings,etc will transpire. We go to UCLA for 3 to 4 consecutive days and meet with numerous doctors. And they determine if Mark is a candidate for a liver transplant. We are really excited to tackle this phase of the process. But we are also a bit intimated by the formality of it all. Can someone on the team decide that for whatever reason we won't qualify? like they find out Mark's feet stink or he can't get his golf score under 100 (sorry hun). Or is it like a quiz and we need to earn a certain number of points to pass? Everything I find on the net just says you meet with almost 10 doctors (including a social worker and a physcholgist...Lisa perhaps you can give us some pointers). I am a nervous Nellie by nature so the appointment isn't til March 17th so this gives me almost a month to worry, wonder and hash out... HAHA. If worrying was an Olympic Event trust me folks I'd be bringing home the gold.


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting,and like you said, also intimidating. However, remember from the first that I have been praying for a miracle, and I am sure that this will just be part of the miracle GOD is preforming...Mark will make the list for the liver transplant. I am confidant of that and will continue to pray and thank GOF for this gift of life. Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

Great!! Im glad you have an appointment now. I am so sure things will go they way they need to. I love you both so much. If you need anything, you know how to reach me. Take care and keep up the positive attitudes, they make all the difference in the world. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure Mark will no doubt be accepted...even if he isn't much of a golfer...hopefully the doctors you meet with aren't that into golf :-)

This will definitely be a positive step toward the miracle we are all praying and waiting for!!!

love you all!!

Diane (Mom)