Thursday, August 27, 2009


We are pleased that todays CT scan didn't show anything in Mark's hip area. We are hoping that the first test was a false positive. Its like you hear of false postives but never think we could be that lucky. Maybe we are. So back to UCLA Monday to see what our oncologist thinks. For now still on hold not on transplant list. We will see what Ucla has to say.
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Monday, August 24, 2009


UCLA went well. The oncologist there said it would be very rare for M's type of cancer to spread to the hip area. And said there could be a chance that the Octreotide Scan (that should a tumor or cancels of some sort in the hip) could be wrong. He ordered a CT Scan of the Hip and Abodomen area. Once we get those results we are to come back to see him. Lastly we did speak with our Liver transplant coordinator and she put Mark on a "hold" status on the tranplant list until all of this stuff is completely worked out and the doctor's have decided what is going on. Will keep ya posted !
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

This Week

Here is this week. Meet with UCLA oncology honchos (Lisa's word I found funny and true) on Monday/tomorrow. So we are hoping Dr Hecht can shed some light. Or maybe he will know what we do with this info from last week's scan result. Or maybe he will know how we deal with UNOS. Or maybe (haha) you see lots of maybes! Maybe no one has a clue and we are going to have to wait and redo the scan! Ooooh also I had remembered earlier today that the UCLA radiologist found the tumor on Mark's pancreas when the Facey radiologist could not find it SOOOO maybe the UCLA radiologist will be able to see something or know something about this spot that is showing up in Mark's hip area. So this could lead us in a new hopefully better direction with the UCLA experts!
So Monday UCLA oncology. Tuesday ultrasound per our Facey oncologist. Dats' it for now.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hi all, so our latest Octreotide Scan showed a spot in my hip area. of course we are concerned that the cancer has spread from the liver. we have been told by ucla and unos that if it did spread beyond liver we would no longer be a candidate for a liver transplant. so with that said our two oncologists are teaming up to meet with us to do additional tests, possible biopsy, and beyond that we don't know anything. we are at the we don't know whats going on stage of this whole thing. we have an appt with Facey oncologist Thursday at 2p and then Monday at 2p also, with our UCLA oncologist. at this point we only know what the radiologist found on the scan. once we learn what the oncologist's recommend we will let you all know. never a dull moment for the Andrews' Family. stay tuned... love, Mark, Jenna and Jonathan...